Publicações (Papers and book chapters)

Artigos científicos:

CARDOSO, J.C.; ZANELLO, C.A.; CHEN, J-T. An Overview of Orchid Protocorm-Like Bodies: Mass propagation, Biotechnology, Molecular Aspects and Breeding. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, v.23, n.3, p.985, 2020.

Macan, G.P.F. ; CARDOSO, JEAN CARLOS . In vitro grafting of Psidium guajava in Psidium cattleianum for the Management of the Meloidogyne enterolobii. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FRUIT SCIENCE (ONLINE), v. 19, p. 1-11, 2019.

Santa Rosa AJ ; Sala, F.C. ; CARDOSO JC . Performance and selection of tomato cultivars for organic cultivation in greenhouse. REVISTA CERES, v. 66, p. 94-101, 2019.

ZANELLO, CESAR AUGUSTO ; CARDOSO, JEAN CARLOS . PLBs induction and clonal plantlet regeneration from leaf segment of commercial hybrids of. JOURNAL OF HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE & BIOTECHNOLOGY, v. 94, p. 1-5, 2019.

CARDOSO, JEAN CARLOS. Silver nitrate enhances in vitro development and quality of shoots of Anthurium andraeanum. SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE, v. 253, p. 358-363, 2019.

Duarte, W.N. ; Zanello, C.A. ; CARDOSO, J. C. . Efficient and easy micropropagation of Morus nigra and the influence of natural light on acclimatization. ADVANCES IN HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE, v. 33, p. 433-439, 2019.

CARDOSO, JEAN CARLOS; OLIVEIRA, MARIA EDUARDA BS DE ; CARDOSO, FERNANDA DE CI . Advances and challenges on the in vitro production of secondary metabolites from medicinal plants. HORTICULTURA BRASILEIRA, v. 37, p. 124-132, 2019.

ALMEIDA, N. V. ; SAZIKI, C. Y. N. ; CARDOSO JC . Characterization of cultivars and low-temperature pollen grain storage in amaryllis (Hippeastrum sp.). REVISTA CERES, v. 66, p. 451-459, 2019.

Bezerra, G.A. ; GABRIEL, A. V. M. ; Mariano, E.D. ; CARDOSO JC . In vitro culture and greenhouse acclimatization of Oncidium varicosum (Orchidaceae) with microorganisms isolated from its roots. ORNAMENTAL HORTICULTURE, v. 24, p. 407-416, 2019.

OLIVEIRA, BEATRIZ CRISTINA DE ; OLIVEIRA, MARIA EDUARDA BARBOZA SOUZA DE ; CARDOSO, JEAN CARLOS . Feasibility of the new method for orchid in vitro rooting using liquid and chemical sterilized culture medium under different sucrose concentration. ORNAMENTAL HORTICULTURE, v. 25, p. 263-269, 2019.

CARMELLO, CAMILA RODRIGUES ; CARDOSO, JEAN CARLOS . Effects of plant extracts and sodium hypochlorite on lettuce germination and inhibition of Cercospora longissima in vitro. SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE, v. 234, p. 245-249, 2018.

CARDOSO, J. C.. Non-food GMs crops in tropical regions: a reasonable way to promote the technology for increased agricultural sustainability. Global Challenges, v. 2, p. 1, 2018.

CARDOSO, J. C.. In vitro responses of gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii) genotypes multiplied under different photoperiods. ADVANCES IN HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE, v. 32, p. 557-561, 2018.

CARDOSO, JEAN CARLOS; Inthurn, A.C. . Easy and efficient chemical sterilization of the culture médium for in vitro growth of gérbera using chlorine dioxide (ClO2). ORNAMENTAL HORTICULTURE, v. 24, p. 218-224, 2018.

BIZARI, DOUGLAS R ; BATTIBUGLI, J. V. F. ; CARDOSO, JEAN CARLOS ; GAZAFFI, R. ; SOUZA, C. F. . Água de reuso no cultivo de gladíolo em sistema hidropônico. IRRIGA, v. 23, p. 286-297, 2018.

CARDOSO, JEAN CARLOS; COSTA, BRUNA TEIXEIRA ; DE ALMEIDA, EDUARDO JOS? . Pollination and in vitro germination of seeds for interspecific hybridization of Psidium guajava and Psidium cattleianum. EUPHYTICA, v. 213, p. 146, 2017.

DA SILVA, JAIME A. TEIXEIRA ; HOSSAIN, MOHAMMAD MUSHAROF ; SHARMA, MADHU ; DOBRÁNSZKI, JUDIT ; CARDOSO, JEAN CARLOS ; SONGJUN, ZENG . Acclimatization of in vitro -derived Dendrobium. Horticultural Plant Journal, v. 3, p. 1, 2017.

CARDOSO, J. C.. Ionocidium ?Cerrado 101?: intergeneric hybrid with high quality of blooming. ORNAMENTAL HORTICULTURE, v. 23, p. 351-356, 2017.

Teixeira da Silva, Jaime A. ; JIN, XIAOHUA ; DOBRÁNSZKI, JUDIT ; LU, JIANGJIE ; WANG, HUIZHONG ; ZOTZ, GERHARD ; CARDOSO, JEAN CARLOS ; ZENG, SONGJUN . Advances in Dendrobium molecular research: Applications in genetic variation, identification and breeding. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution (Print), v. 95, p. 196-216, 2016.

CARDOSO, JEAN CARLOS; Teixeira da Silva, Jaime A. ; VENDRAME, WAGNER A. . Impacts of deforestation on some orchids of São Paulo State, Brazil. Natureza & Conservação, v. 14, p. 28-32, 2016.

CARDOSO, JEAN CARLOS; MARTINELLI, ADRIANA PINHEIRO ; Teixeira da Silva, Jaime A. . A novel approach for the selection of Cattleya hybrids for precocious and season-independent flowering. Euphytica (Wageningen), v. 210, p. 143-150, 2016.

Teixeira da Silva, Jaime A. ; WINARTO, BUDI ; DOBRÁNSZKI, JUDIT ; CARDOSO, JEAN CARLOS ; ZENG, SONGJUN . Tissue disinfection for preparation of Dendrobium in vitro culture. Folia Horticulturae, v. 28, p. 57-75, 2016.

Teixeira da Silva, Jaime A. ; CARDOSO, JEAN CARLOS ; DOBRÁNSZKI, JUDIT ; ZENG, SONGJUN . Dendrobium micropropagation: a review. Plant Cell Reports (Print), v. 1, p. 1-1, 2015.

Teixeira da Silva, Jaime A. ; TSAVKELOVA, ELENA A. ; ZENG, SONGJUN ; NG, TZI BUN ; PARTHIBHAN, S. ; DOBRÁNSZKI, JUDIT ; CARDOSO, JEAN CARLOS ; RAO, M. V. . Symbiotic in vitro seed propagation of Dendrobium: fungal and bacterial partners and their influence on plant growth and development. Planta (Heidelberg, v. 242, p. 1-22, 2015.

Teixeira da Silva, Jaime A. ; TSAVKELOVA, ELENA A. ; NG, TZI BUN ; PARTHIBHAN, S. ; DOBRÁNSZKI, JUDIT ; CARDOSO, JEAN CARLOS ; RAO, M. V. ; ZENG, SONGJUN . Asymbiotic in vitro seed propagation of Dendrobium. Plant Cell Reports (Print), v. 1, p. 1, 2015.

CARDOSO, JEAN CARLOS; HABERMANN, GUSTAVO . Adventitious shoot induction from leaf segments in Anthurium andreanum is affected by age of explant, leaf orientation and plant growth regulator. HORTIC ENVIRON BIOTE, v. 55, p. 56-62, 2014.

Teixeira da Silva, Jaime A. ; ZENG, SONGJUN ; CARDOSO, JEAN CARLOS ; DOBRÁNSZKI, JUDIT ; KERBAUY, GILBERTO BARBANTE . In vitro flowering of Dendrobium. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (Print), v. 119, p. 447-456, 2014.

Cardoso, Jean C.; Martinelli, Adriana P. ; GERMANÀ, MARIA ANTONIETA ; Latado, Rodrigo R. . In vitro anther culture of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) genotypes and of a C. clementina × C. sinensis -Hamlin? hybrid. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (Print), v. 117, p. 455-464, 2014.

Cardoso, Jean C.; Teixeira da Silva, Jaime A. . Gerbera micropropagation. Biotechnology Advances, v. 31, p. 1344-1357, 2013.